Preparing for an ‘Outstanding’ CQC inspection

This eLearning course has been checked and approved by Anne for those with registered services; This course has been made public with GreyMatterLearning (who we use for an Epilepsy Awareness & Oral Health Care eLearning course) Anyone who completes this eLearning course MUST complete the course declaration form

Inneka’s feedback – I have just finished this training which took about an hour & I quite enjoyed it, I made notes to take back to the team & there was a few handy tips & advice. In particular : one drawer inspection kit, create a file for each of the key questions and questions to ask staff to practice for inspection.

This course which will take around an hour to complete covers the essentials for care providers and managers, including:
1. Who CQC are?
2. Types of inspection
3. How to prepare
4. Key lines of enquiry
5. Evidence for inspection
6. Preparing staff for inspection
7. What will happen during an inspection
8. How CQC make their judgements
9. CQC Ratings
10. Your inspection reports
11. Action Plans
12. How to change CQC findings
13. Characters of an Outstanding care provider

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